Understanding The Problem

Requirement Report

Problem Statement:

My project involves producing a blog about Audio Software so that users will have a well developed understand of Audio Software and all process that are involved. All the useful and relevant information needed will then be available to the user.


The purpose of my blog is to let the user navigate their way through my blog, allowing them to retrieve the relevant information they need (invloving Audio Software) as well as being able to ask any questions they may have so that I will understand what is nessasary to keep my blog up to date.

Information technology:

The information is shown through the internet on blog which is a webpage which is able to be personalized and edited by the author.(http://www.blogger.com)

Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, CPU.

Internet Explorer, Blogger.com, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Paint.

Data / Information:

Input: Internet web sites and the portal/intranet.
Process: Information linked and evaluated aswell as determining what information is relevant.
Output: Relevant information stored on the blog with text and links


There are direct and indirect users:
The direct users include the students, myself and teachers.
The indirect users are people over the internet that have access to my blog.

The Need of Users:
The users need a blog with relevant and valuable information.

Context Diagram: